It is therefore a recognizedand hosting companies can useto secure their domains their clients. In order to examine the level of security of Polish website addresses based on . million domains the website top conducted a study which showed that only thousand domains and functioning their websites are properly secured. By determining the names of the DNS servers to which these domains point a list of hosting companies with the largest market share was identified Number of domains secured in.
Poland with DNSSEC | naml research As you can see the first four companies namely nazwaaftermarketnet and homehave over % of the share in Poland . Unfortunately it is in vain to look for many well known Phone Number List Polish brands that boast about implementing the DNSSEC extension for their customers. "The implementation of DNSSEC requires coordination of the entry in the domain registry and on the hosting provider's DNS server.
This is therefore a problem for all companies that do not comprehensively service their clients both in terms of domain registration and maintaining DNS entries. In the case of n customers receive the DNS Anycast service along with domain registration and DNSSEC entries are created automatically. This is a great convenience for customers who are not computer geeks" said Krzysztof Cebrat president of nazw.