Once you’ve rolled out a set of copy written in this fashion— and left your half-baked Frankenstein ETA in the dumpster— you’re ready to star A/B testing your ad copy against countdown timers, emotional appeals, and anything else you can think of!TL;DRYou’ve got 47% more space: use it!ETA Sin And4: Thinking URL paths are only for keywordsWith the old standard text ads, you had the ability to include a display .
This was an excellent feature because it gave you the power to alter spammy-looking subdomains and Benin WhatsApp Number include keywords.With ETA’s, there is no more display URL. Your final URL is used to dynamically generate a “path,” which features two brand new fields aptly named URL Paths. These are a pair of 15 character blank spaces at the end of your final URL that you can use as you see fit. For those keeping score at home, that’s an additional 30 characters that you can use to your advantage (or completely ignore: don’t do this).using countdown timers in expanded text adsRemember those new, compelling headlines in which we took the onus off of keyword stuffing in favor of crafting a compelling offer?
Here, you can load up on the keywords you’re bidding on in an attempt to maximize Quality Score and show the prospects who read past your headlines that your ad is completely relevant to their search query.But the utility of URL Paths doesn’t stop there.Instead, you should…Use every trick in the book to create hyper-relevant URL paths.expanded text ad url pathsPart of what makes the URL Path fields so potent is that they can include more than just keywords. You can also use dynamic keyword insertion (to match a prospect’s search query perfectly) or—my personal favorite—include a countdown timer.