Amanage projects in general and IT projects in particular. Students master issues related to ethics of IT workers and IT users intellectual property safety and security computer crime and the Internet... See more Is the future information technology industry really promising Semester Internship with actual work at the enterprise Students work practically for months at member companies of FPT Group or more than businesses that are partners of FPT Group worldwide. Semester Malicious code analysis and reverse engineering Investigation no Research Methods Elective specialized subjects Elective specialized subjects Students gain access to the knowledge and skills necessary to become cyber crime investigators.
Students are equipped with a number of useful research methods strengths and weaknesses of methodologies and ways to design and carry out research projects so that students can carry out the following research projects on their own. This. Semester Penetration testing and defense Elective specialized subjects Elective specialized subjects Elective Graphics Design Service specialized subjects Students learn how to defend against hackers by applying hacking techniques like black hat hackers. Students come up with ideas plan and complete projects with the direction and support of instructors. See more What do you do after graduating from Information Technology major Source Compiled from the Internet Source Category ADMISSION INDUSTRY FPT UNIVERSITYINFORMATION SECURITY INDUSTRYADMISSIONS DEPARTMENT SHARE PREVIOUS POST Information Security Industry NEXT POST Information Security industry review Salary USDmonth for excellent people RELATED NEWS.
Girls study information technology should or not Information for Information Technology majors LEAVE A COMMENT Your Comment Name Email Website Save my name email and website in this browser for the next time I comment. website in this browser for the next time I comment. Information Security industry review Salary USDmonth for excellent people April The explosion of technology has opened up new opportunities for young people passionate about Information Security. Do you think you are really safe on the Internet Teens were born and raised in the era of booming digital technology and the Internet connecting the world. Just swipe the smartphone display screen a whole world.