Eted in the book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces", by Joseph Campbell. Also called Monomyth , it is basically a study that identifies a narrative pattern in famous stories. As you can see, several stages are similar to those that make up the Pixar model, but in a more elaborate way. The common world We are introduced to the hero, the protagonist, and his world. Call to adventure Moment in which the conflict is presented to the hero. Refusal to the call The protagonist feels an internal conflict between his desire and his need, so he may initially surrender to the comfort of his current world. Meeting with the mentor When something
or someone draws the hero's attention to thneed to act. It can be a mentor, an Iran WhatsApp Number Data event or a thing. The journey to a new world The protagonist decides to leave the common world and begins the journey. Tests, allies and enemies Our hero finds new allies and enemies. By facing new challenges, he learns rules and the way the new world works. ADVERTISEMENT The approach The first challenge is overcome! The traumatic test Moment in which the protagonist faces the
conflict with the greatest impact in his entire story and can be taken to the bottom of the well, before overcoming it. The reward By overcoming the conflict, our hero is rewarded after facing his fears and making new discoveries. The reward is usually the message conveyed. The way